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Eighth Day Farm

Eighth Day Farm

Eighth Day Farm is a small nonprofit urban farm that got its start in 2011 offering a small CSA program.

Their goal is to love the land and to love people, two goals they achieve through the caretaking of their soil and the intentional distribution of their vegetables. All produce grown by Eighth Day Farm  is Certified Naturally Grown and is intended for the farmers market, their summer subscription program (CSA), and donations to local pantries and food programs. Food grown in their soil is free of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, nurtured by compost they make through their food waste collection program. At the Market, they’re popular for their variety of herbs and leafy greens including arugula, lettuce, microgreens, and kale, along with an assortment of colorful vegetables.

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100% Homegrown
Holland, MI
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