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Food Assistance Programs

Bridge Cards (SNAP Benefits)

Did you know you can use your Bridge Cards (SNAP) benefits at the Holland Farmers Market?  And even “double up” your spending on fresh fruits and vegetables for free as part of the Double Up Food Bucks program?  Using your Bridge Card at the Market is easy to do!  Read on for details!

How To Use Your Bridge Card at the Market

It’s easy to use your Bridge Card (SNAP benefits) at the Holland Farmers Market. Our staff is happy to assist you! Here are the steps you need to take:


Find the Market staff at the front desk inside the lobby of the Holland Civic Center building (150 West 8th Street) and let them know you want to use your Bridge Card at the Market.


The staff will ask you how much money you would like to take off your Bridge Card to spend at the Market. They will enter the amount into the credit card machine and ask you to enter your PIN. The staff will then give you $1.00 tokens in the amount you have requested. They can also provide you a receipt for your records. The $1.00 tokens can be used on any products you would use your Bridge Card on, including fruits and vegetables, bread and baked goods, honey, maple syrup, jam, meat, and so much more. You cannot use your tokens on ready-to-eat hot foods, however. This includes items like soft pretzels, hot cups of coffee, etc.

The Market staff can also provide you with a list of which vendors accept Bridge Card tokens, though every vendor also has a sign posted in their stall. Don’t be afraid to ask a vendor if you have a question about using your tokens. They are happy to help!


As part of our Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) Program, you can also “double up” your spending power at the Holland Farmers Market for FREE and receive free silver tokens to spend. For instance, if you take $20 off your Bridge Card, you will get $20 in wooden tokens and another $20 in silver tokens to spend at the Market. Each silver token has a $2.00 value.

The other difference between the silver DUFB tokens and the wooden Bridge Card tokens is that the silver tokens can ONLY be used on fresh fruits and vegetables and not on any other products. We always recommend using your silver tokens first to purchase the produce you want and then using your wooden tokens.

Your Bridge Card and DUFB tokens never expire and you can use them on a return trip to the Market if you don’t spend them all that same day. You can take funds off your Bridge cards multiple times per visit, however, you can only “double up” once per Market day.


When you use your Bridge Card at the Market, you will also receive a punch card. You can get your card punched every time you visit the Market to use your Bridge Cards. After five visits, you’ll earn a free prize, including cookbooks, cooking utensils, dishtowels and more!

Senior Project Fresh

Low income seniors may be eligible to receive Senior Project FRESH coupons from the State of Michigan to spend on healthy fruits and vegetables at the Holland Farmers Market. Ottawa County, MI Residents who are aged 60 or older with a total household income of $27,861 or less for an individual, or $37,814 for a couple, are eligible to apply for the program.

The 2024 Senior Project Fresh coupons are distributed for Ottawa County residents at Evergreen Commons (480 State Street) in Holland. To see if you are eligible to receive coupons, please contact the Evergreen Commons Resource Office at 616-355-5118.


Beginning in 2024, WIC is no longer permitting farmers markets to manage the WIC program on behalf of their vendors and they are no longer providing WIC Project Fresh coupons to their clients. Our individual vendors must now apply directly to WIC to receive a WIC card reader that will allow them to accept WIC payment cards at the Holland Farmers Market.

 Market vendors that currently accept WIC:
  • Visser Farms

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on food assistance?

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Bridge Cards (SNAP)

Double Up Food Bucks

Senior Project Fresh Program

Women, Infants & Children (WIC)